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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ২৩rd জানুয়ারি ২০২৫

প্রশিক্ষণ সুবিধা

National Maritime Institute (NMI) was initially started as a small institute at Goshaildanga, Chittagong in the year 1952. Now it is one of the most modern & IMO white listed Institute in the region. Now it is occupying a large area along with modern Training Blocks etc. at south Halishahar, Chittagong, where the Institute has permanently established on 4th December, 1989.


National Maritime Institute is a well-secured and beautiful place for Seafarer’s Training Facilitated Campus. NMI has its own Parade Ground, Training Pond, Lifeboat-launching platform, Diving Stage, Engine & Deck Model rooms, volley ball ground, fire fighting house etc. The Institute provides well-equipped practical and theoretical Classroom, First-aid Class, Fire-Fighting house, Galley/Pantry; Electro-navigation, Lifeboat, Computer lab, Swimming pond, Seamanship Gears etc. The campus also contains housing facilities for Principal, Instructors and Staffs. Besides those, there is a Seamen’s Hostel for both in-service and trainee seafarers.


It is located in between Chittagong Export Processing Zone (CEPZ) and Multi Purpose Berth (MPB) Jetty, beside the main road linking to Shah Amanat (R.) International Airpot, Chittagong. The institute is 10km. away from Chittagong Railway Station and 06 km form the International Airport. The city can be reached from the Capital City Dhaka by Air, Rail and Road, Bus, Mini Bus, Rent-A-Car, Auto-Rickshaw etc. can bt easily got near the NMI Campus to travel around the city at a reasonable fare.


NMI Presently conducting Pre-Sea courses on two main academic disciplines, i.e.

  1. Nautical and
  2. Engineering.

Under the Supervision of Nautical Department there are another two sub-departments, i.e.

Catering Department.

Physical Regimental Training Department.

NMI is conducing Pre-Sea Training for ship’s Ratings (Deck, Engine, Saloon). Special emphasis is given to Spoken English Classes to prepare them for Global Market. Besides many other short mandatory ancillary courses for both Officer and Crew are being conducted here as per International Convention on STCW-95/2010, which are:-

  1. Personal Survival Technique (PST).
  2. Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR).
  3. Certificate of proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boat (CPSC & RB).
  4. Elementary First Aid (EFA)
  5. Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting (FP&FF).
  6. Efficient Deck Hand (EDH)
  7. Tanker Safety & Familiarization Course.
  8. Oil &Chemical Tanker Safety & Familiarization Course.
  9. Global Maritime Distress & Safety System (GMDSS) Course.
  10. Special Cook Rating Course.
  11. Familiarization Course on STCW, ISPS & ISM code.
  12. Oil, Gas & Chemical Tanker Simulator Course.
  13. Steering/Bridge Simulator Course.
  14. Basic Computer Operating Course.

The Institute has a plan to introduce various shipping safety related courses in future as per international standard, i.e. in conformity with STCW 78/95/2010 convention and other courses as demanded by shipping industry/shipping companies.


The NMI has hostel facilities for both Pre-Sea and Post Sea Rating Seafarers. The Hostel has the capacity to accommodate 120 trainees at a very reasonable cost. Apart from this, there are some hotels available near the NMI campus where one can reside at a cost around US$ 5 to 10 per day.


NMI has an experienced group of qualified teaching members headed by the Principal. They are mainly from the Merchant Navy holding highest sea-gong certificate and also from the Defense Navy & Army. They are highly trained/experienced having Maritime Teaching background. Some of the Instructors have obtained Masters of Science degree from the World Maritime University; Malmo, Sweden which was established by International Maritime Organization (IMO).


There is an out door dispensary inside the NMI Campus. All Trainee Seafarers and local people can avail Medial treatment facilities with nominal charges/ free of cost. Qualified MBBS Doctors are appointed to provide initial medical treatment. However, major medial facilities are available in private and governments clinics/hospitals with their own expense.


NMI is equipped with most modern training facilities. The facilities in short are as follows:

Training pond: Lifeboat, Rescue Boat, Rowing Boat, Jetty Davit, Diving Stage etc.

Deck Model Room: Navigational Aids/ Instruments, Steering Simulator, Deck Machinery, Cargo Gears, Ships Model.

Fridge Room: 3 large ship’s type cold chambers & provisions fridge rooms with cooling plant for frozen food.

Workshop: Equipped with generators, lathe machine, welding machines, universal machine, drill machine, grinder and marine type switch penal etc. for demonstration.

Seamanship floor: Equipped with an actual sized compete Ship’s Derrick and Seamanship items for practical demonstration.

Training Galley & Tasting Room: Oven, Dishwasher, Blender, Sink, Burner, Toaster, Juicer, Fridge, Cutlery & Crockery items etc. for training of cook & steward ratings and special course.

Parade Ground: There is a 50 m long and 45 m width Parade Ground, which is used for Physical Training & Regimental parade drills of the Trainee Seafarers.

Fire House: Equipped with fire simulator, Fire pump and extinguishers for fire fighting class.

Oil, Gas & Chemical Tanker Simulator: Equipped with Modern Maritime Training facilities as per IMO requirements.

Steering/Bridge Simulator: Established for the Rating’s basic computer training, which is most essential for Simulator Training.

Miscellaneous: NMI has reasonable collections of professional Books, Periodicals, Audio-Video & other educational aids including overhead projectors, VCR, TV and a good number of wall charts, educational posters, multimedia LCD projectors, UPS APC 1000 VA, Sp scan jet 3970, Computer Table, Split Air Conditioner, Digital Handy Scan, Laptop Computer, Personal Computer etc for Training and smooth function of the Institute.